If you have questions about the adult ministries below or other adult ministries of Fox Valley Presbyterian Church, please contact Michelle Hwang, Associate Pastor for Discipleship, (630) 232-7448.
Sunday Morning Christian Education
2025 Adult Education Track
The After Party
Our winter adult education series on Christian politics has begun and will continue through March 2. We are using the book The After Party by Curtis Chang and Nancy French, as well as videos and handouts. We anticipate lively discussion of this very readable book and insights into reconciliation with those who have “disappeared” from our lives as a result of political or philosophical differences.
The Third Day, Living the Resurrection
Our Lenten education series will focus on The Third Day, Living the Resurrection by Tom Berlin. Classes will take place March 2 through April 13. Watc this space for more info.
Adult Weekday, Saturday and Evening Christian Education and Fellowship
We have a number of classes in the evening and during the week for learning and growth! Contact the church office or Pastor Michelle for current meeting information.
Brown Bag Bible Study
Want a sneak preview of upcoming sermons and the opportunity to share your ideas about the scripture for Sunday? Then come to the Wednesday brown bag Bible study at noon in the Conference Room, and bring your lunch if you wish. Check the calendar for current dates.
Here’s a link to the calendar of readings we use in worship.
JOY (Just Older Youth)
JOY (Just Older Youth) is a fellowship opportunity for adults 65 and older. Past outings include art exhibits, gardens and concerts. This group typically meets once a month.
Questions? Contact Michelle Hwang, Associate Pastor for Discipleship.
Enneagram Classes
Have you heard of the Enneagram? This powerful, ancient spiritual Christian tool can help us to better understand ourselves and our motivations. Discovering our numbers can help us navigate our emotional and mental landscapes which can lead us to a healthier self, healthier relationships and deeper connection to God.
Several times in past years, we have offered a class called The Enneagram Journey - where you discern your number, learn what it means and explore how to grow within it. If you think you might be interested in participating in an Enneagram class, please contact Laurie Musielak.
Pub Theology
Each month we gather at a local brewery with members of the church and community for open and honest conversation about things that matter. At these tables all perspectives are welcome. We aim to dive deeply into topics involving faith, meaning, identity, culture, politics, and more! Bring your questions and your curiosity and respectfully engage with people of varying religious traditions, philosophical perspectives, and life experiences. Find our next gathering here.
Earth Stewardship
Our Earth Stewardship Team sponsors quarterly Eco Walks, led by a naturalist, in local forest preserves. Our Eco Walks are designed as intergenerational experiences and take place on Saturday mornings.
All are welcome to join us on an intergenerational outdoor winter adventure at Bliss Woods Forest Preserve, 5S660 Bliss Road, Sugar Grove, beginning at 9:00 am on February 22. We will nourish our souls and enhance our mental, spiritual, and physical health on our Winter EcoWalk – a cure for cabin fever.
Dress for the weather. All trails are paved and accessible, though they will not necessarily be kept clear of snow and ice if we have snow cover. Park in the main parking lot and find us near shelter #1.
Our Spring EcoWalk will take place on April 26 at Johnson’s Mound.
Organizer for these events: Jeff Mengler
Presbyterian Women
All women of the church are invited to participate in a Presbyterian Women (PW) circle, which is affiliated with the PC(USA) national Presbyterian Women organization. The Sewing Circle meets on Monday mornings. The Knitting Circle (those who do all forms of handwork are welcome) meets in the afternoon on the second and fourth Mondays of the month.
Contact the church office to be put in touch with a current Circle leader.
Congregational Revitalization through Community Organizing
Through our membership in the Fox River Valley Initiative we have access to training that will teach us how to build meaningful relationships and have purposeful conversations as we seek to love, grow, and serve together. We also have the opportunity to participate in events to educate ourselves and help make our community a better place. Contact Pastor Michelle to learn about the next FRVI actions or meetings.